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Shakshuka and a weekend in Boston

Oktober 20, 2012

When I was in Boston this May – just for the weekend – to celebrate Emily’s graduation from Harvard we went to a new bakery and café at Cambridge.


It’s called Tatte. It’s the perfect place for a breakfast. I have to tell you that Emily even didn’t know that I was coming. I talked to her husband and told him about my surprise. So we made a plan. He wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about it except Emily’s sister and her parents because they were also in town.


When I arrived in Boston in the evening I just had some dinner at P.F. Chang and went to bed early. I was so tiered because I was in Paris that week, just went home to change some cloths and flew to Boston.


Anyway the next morning I went to Emily’s house. I was so nervous when I rang the bell. So Emily came downstairs and smiled to me. She opened the door, said „hi“ and at this moment she realzied that something doesn’t fit in the picture. She was shocked in a positive way. „Oh mein Gott, was machst Du denn hier? Oh mein Gott…“. Her face was priceless. I never ever saw anyone so surprised, full of joy and happy. It was indescribable.


We all went together at Tatte to have an amazing breakfast. It was the perfect place. I like the furnishings so much. It was a perfect mix of old and new. Oh and they have some terrific brownies and iced tea! Choose whatever you want and it will be so yummy. Unfortunately they don’t serve gluten free bread but you will find some gluten free friendly meals.

I had some Shakshuka. It’s a traditional North African dish with eggs, pepper & tomato.


Why I’m telling you this story now? I made some Shakshuka this morning which was delicious. It always reminds me of this short and beautiful weekend in Cambridge and Boston.


Shakshuka is a perfect start for a weekend. It’s warm and light and it always reminds me of some good moments. Enjoy!



Shakshuka {Eggs Poached in Spicy Tomato Sauce}

      400 ml tomato sauce
      6 cherry tomatoes
      1 small yellow bell pepper, diced into small chunks
      1 small red bell pepper, diced into small chunks
      1 cloves garlic, minced
      1 medium yellow onion, diced into medium chunks
      1 teaspoon harissa
      1/4 teaspoon paprika
      1 teaspoon honey
      2-4 eggs
      1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
      sea salt and pepper to taste
      1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf parsley
      (gluten free) bread, for serving

In a skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. When hot, add the harissa and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the minced garlic, onion, paprika and bell peppers. Cook another 2 minutes and add the tomato sauce, honey and cherry tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes and season with salt and pepper as necessary.

Crack eggs over sauce so that eggs are evenly distributed across sauce’s surface. Cook until yolks are just set, about 5 minutes.

Sprinkle with parsley and serve with bread for dipping.

Shakshuka {pochierte Eier in pikanter Tomatensoße}

      400 ml Tomatensauce
      6 Cherrytomaten
      1 kleine gelbe Paprika, in kleine Stücke gewürfelt
      1 kleine rote Paprika, in kleine Stücke gewürfelt
      1 mittlere Zwiebel, klein gewürfelt
      1 Knoblauchzehe, fein gehackt
      1 TL Harissa (scharfe Gewürzpaste, gibt es z. B. beim türkischen Gemüsehändler)
      1/4 TL Paprikapulver
      1 TL Honig
      Meersalz und Pfeffer zum Abschmecken
      2-4 Eier
      1 1/2 TL Olivenöl
      1 TL gehackte Petersilie (glatt)
      (glutenfreies) Brot zum Dippen

In einer Pfanne das Olivenöl bei mittlere Hitze erwärmen. Wenn das Öl heiß ist, das Harissa hinzugeben und ca. 2-3 Minuten anbraten. Anschließend die Zwiebeln, Paprika, Knoblauch und das Paprikapulver hinzugeben. Für weitere 2 Minuten andünsten. Nun die Tomatensauce mit dem Honig und den Tomaten hinzugeben. Gut umrühren und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Für weitere 5 Minuten kochen.

Die Eier über der Pfanne zerschlagen und direkt in die Soße geben. Die Eier in der Soße kochen, bis das Eigelb langsam fest wird (ca. 5 Minuten).

Mit Petersilie bestreuen und mit Brot zum Dippen servieren.

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