pink chillies

glutenfrei | Kuchen und Kekse

Lil‘ Cherry Vanilla Cakes

Juni 18, 2012

Sundays! It’s always about cleaning, cooking and sleeping. When I woke up last morning I had an idea. It was about sweet cherries. I bought the cherries in a supermarket where I usually never shop. It’s was a really dirty place in the past. They completely renovated and reorganized the supermarket – with mixed success. It’s still a crazy place with really weird staff.

Anyway I made some sweet little cakes. The best part – I could use my new kitchen tool. I bought a cherry pit remover Saturday eve. I went to my favorite drugstore and found this little helper.


It’s not a professional tool. If you want to make some cherry jam I can’t recommend it. It will take ages to remove all this little pits. But for a simple cake with some cherries it’s totally fine. And it’s fun. My kitchen got some new color. Lucky me I was smart enough not to clean the apartment before baking.

This recipe is perfect if you are lazy or your best friend is calling and ask for coffee and a some cake. Just make these little cakes. She will love it. You as well.  You can do it in less than 30 minutes. Naturally only if you don’t spend too much time finagling the pits out of the cherries.

I also made a little tiny cake for my cat which I don’t have. So I had to eat.

Don’t be shy! Dust the cakes with some confectioners‘ sugar. I love confections‘ sugar as you can see.

Little Cherry Vanilla Cakes

  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar
  • 80 g butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 knife point vanilla powder
  • 50 g brown rice flour
  • 30 g white rice flour
  • 30 g millet
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • cherries, pits removed (!)
  • confectioners’ sugar, to serve
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and butter two tartlet molds (∅ 14 cm).
  2. Melt the butter .
  3. In a bowl, combine the eggs with the sugar. Beat on high speed until the volume has doubled or tripled.
  4. Reduce the speed and add the melted butter, vanilla extract and vanilla powder.
  5. Fold in the flours and baking powder.
  6. Transfer the vanilla cake batter to the molds and add some cherries.
  7. Bake the cakes for 12-17 minutes or until golden. Keep an eye on them… they dry out quickly!
  8. Remove from the oven and let cool. Dust with confectioner’s sugar or whipped cream.

Little Cherry Vanilla Cakes

  • 2 Eier
  • 50 g Zucker
  • 80 g Butter / Margarine, geschmolzen
  • 1 TL Vanillaextrakt
  • 1 Messerspitze Vanille Pulver
  • 50 g Vollkornreismehl
  • 30 g Hirsemehl
  • 30 g weißes Reismehl
  • 1 TL Backpulver
  • Knackige Kirschen nach Geschmack ( keine Sauerkirschen)
  • Puderzucker
  1. Den Ofen auf 200° C vorheizen und zwei Tarlette Förmchen (∅ 14 cm) mit Butter / Margarine einschmieren.
  2. Die Butter / Margarine schmelzen.
  3. In einer Schüssel die Eier mit dem Zucker verrühren, bis sich das Volumen verdoppelt oder dreifacht hat.
  4. Die geschmolzene Butter, den Vanillaextrakt und das Vanille Pulver vorsichtig einrühren.
  5. Die Mehle und das Backpulver hinzugeben und rasch verrühren.
  6. Den Teig in die Förmchen geben und ein paar Kirschen ganz nach Geschmack in den Teig drücken.
  7. Bei 180°C ca. 12-17 Minuten backen. Die Törtchen gut im Auge behalten, da der Teig sehr schnell trocken wird.
  8. Aus dem Ofen nehmen, in der Form abkühlen lassen und die kalten Törtchen mit Puderzucker bestreuen. Optional: mit Schlagsahne servieren.

Anmerkung zur Backzeit: mein Backofen war am Sonntag im Turbogang. Das hängt einfach immer von seiner Laune ab. Da allerdings grundsätzlich sehr wenig Teig in den Formen war, ist es ein super schneller Kuchen. Immer schön schauen gehen, was die so im Ofen treiben, sonst seid Ihr am Ende traurig und enttäsucht.